The HydraMat is a flat bag like mat that rests at the bottom of your fuel tank and pulls fuel from any location on the mat as long as fuel is in contact while also closing off the rest of the mat to help prevent the possibility of Vapor Lock. It uses miniature pores to close off any portion of the mat that is not in contact with fuel. The HydraMat forgoes the necessity of a custom reservoir in the tank because it will be able to pick up even the lowest fuel level remaining in the tank. The HydraMat internal reserve assists in keeping fuel available at the pickup even under fuel sloshing conditions. The HydraMat works best with cans that have a flat area on the bottom. The flat area helps evenly spread the fuel along the mat making for a more balanced flow of fuel to be used.
Mat only is not available on line. Please call and we can help you design your fuel system.