Tapered End SeriesOur Tapered End series offers both the reliability and safety of a fuel cell while keeping the price to a minimum. Popular among sand cars and road racers, this fuel cell is designed to fit where most traditional square-tanks won't the "tapered" profile allows it to be fit in a variety of locations, including behind seats and over transmissions or engines.
The "false bottom" plate allows the can itself to flex as needed while still providing basic strength, structure, and protection without fracturing the aluminum can. Additionally, the flexible bladder keeps the fuel contained in the event of an accident and the internal foam baffling reduces fuel slosh. Finally, the simple hardware setup is compatible for most applications, reducing the need to upgrade fuel lines or fittings.
Internal Fuel PumpInternal pumps eliminate cavitation and vapor lock issues nearly completely while keeping the fuel system contained safely inside the bladder and are an increasingly popular upgrade.
No need to guess how much fuel you've got in your cell with these. All sending units are cut and calibrated prior to shipment and utilize no moving parts, making them ideal for racing applications.
Collector Box/Surge TankRouting the pickup and return lines into the collector increases fuel delivery consistency, specifically during periods of cornering or low fuel level. Particularly effective on EFI applications.